Basic modelling + Properties

Hey! This is just some simple modelling for beginners.

by OfficialTornado

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Hi! Today we're just going to go over some basic modelling and changing properties with scripts, hope you enjoy!

Note: If you already know the steps, then you can just skip to the next one.

Step one: Inserting a part.

If you haven't downloaded Roblox Studio yet, download it now so we can get started!

A part it the basic building block of all the visible objects in a Roblox game. Properties are the things like the size, shape, color and material of a part. You can also change the properties of parts in a game with scripts. Right now, we are going to work on a disco with a color-changing floor!

On the very top left of the studio page, there should be multiple buttons reading: "Home, model, test, view, ect,". It should be on home. Just below that, on the next row, there should be a button saying "part" with a little cube above it. Click that, and you should now see a block, or a part. It should look something like this:


Step two: Changing the size of the part.

Now, once you have inserted your part, go back to the top and press the "view" button. This should open the view tab. Here, you can enable or disable what you can see on your screen. Below that, the "Explorer" and the "properties" should be on. If not, just click it and it should be on. These wil be very important for the rest of the tutorial. There are two ways to change the size of parts in Roblox Studio, one is the scale tool on the home menu, or the size property in the properties section. Today, we are going to use the size property, as it can be more accurate. You should have your properties window open. What you will need to do now is to click on the part with your mouse pointer and scroll down on the properties window until you find "size". The default size is (4,1,2), but you can change it to anything you want. Each number represents an axis on the map. To make it a square, I will set the size to (12,1,12). You can set to anything you want, but to keep it simple, I will set it to a square. Once you are done, we can move onto the scripting.

Step three: Scripting with loops.

Now, you need to go to the "explorer" window. If you can't find it, please refer back to the beginning of step two. Underneath the "Workspace". there should be a "part". If you can't find it, click the arrow next to the button that says "Workspace", so it is facing downwards. Hover over the "part", so you can see a little plus sign next to it. Press the button and you should find a list of objects with a search bar on top. Search up "script", and open up a new script. Just a script, not any other kind of script. Once you have opened a script, delete the "print ("Hello world!")" and copy this scrpt into it.

local part = script.Parent

while true do
    part.BrickColor ="Lime green")
    wait (1)
    part.BrickColor ="Bright red")
    wait (1)
    part.BrickColor ="Really blue")

The "while true do" statement is basically an infinite loop, always looping anything in it until the "end". If this was "while false do", it will never happen. The "wait" is a delay between two parts of a script. You can change the number inside to anything you want, depending on how many seconds you want the delay to be. The "local" is a varible, basically getting a something big and shortening it to make something easier to write. "BrickColor" is just the color of the part, you can change it to any color you want.

Step four: Testing.

Now, you have done all of the scripting! All you need to do is test the game and see what you have created! If you enjoyed this, please give it a review so I know what you want me to work on next! I hope I see you in my next project!


Note: If you didn't change the BrickColor before, it will appear as grey when you are not playing, don't worry.

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