math.random() is a function that will select a random number if given parameters. An example would be...
Notice how I input the numbers 1 and 5 in the parenthesis. These are the
parameters. Because I input those specific numbers, the game will select a
random number between 1 and 5.
If you do not add numerical parameters, the game will choose a number
between 0 and 1, which will get you really wonky decimals. I would rather you
choose numbers, such as 1 and 5.
local ranNum = math.random(1,10)
In this code, I assign the Math.random() function to a variable, which I higly
recommend you do. The parameters of this function is 1 and 10, so a random
number will be chosen between 1 and 10. I included "Print(ranNum)" so I can
see which number the game has selected
local mysteryN = math.random(1,25)
In this one, I assign the function to a variable like I typically do. This time,
the parameters are 1 and 25, meaning that the game will pick a number between
1 and 25. It will then print my variable, which will show me the random number
it selected.
Math.random() can be useful if you assign different functions to a number.
For example, if Math.random picks the number 2, we can have a certain action
fired, but if it picks 3, then a different action can be fired.
Here is an example in code form:
local ranNum = math.random(1,2)
if ranNum == 1 then
print("I Chose 1")
if ranNum == 2 then
print("I chose 2")
Lets break this down:
I assigned math.random() to a variable as always, where its gonna pick a number
between 1 and 2.
Then I used an if statement... I will have a tutorial on certain format for if statements
Basically, ranNum will have a random number between 1 and 2 selected. THEN, it
will check if that random number is the number 1. If the number is one, then
it will print (or "say") "I chose 1"
The next if statement will check if the random number selected was 2. If the random
number was 2, then it will print (or "say") "I chose 2"
You could actually make an unboxing system. For example, you could make parameters
of 1,3. If you set numbers 2 and 3 to give you the same weapon, and number 1 to
give you a different weapon, you have an unboxing system. It is important to
use probability, because there is a 66% chance of a player getting numbers 2 and 3, and only a
33% chance of a player getting a 1.
You could also be a little less advanced and just make some simple changes to experiment with yourself.
You could change a Bricks (part) color depending on the number that was chosen.
For example, if the number chosen was 2, the brick would be purple, but if it chose a 4, then the color
can be green.
Honestly, you can make your own events fire from a math.random() script, the more
you dive into experimentation, the more you will understand the topic.
-if you are using math.random(), its best to assign it to a variable
when typing math.random(), make sure you include the parenthesis at the end, as well as the proper capitalization
if you want parameters, make sure you include them in your
parenthesis (and make sure the smaller number is first, and separated by a comma)