Make a random player chooser

In this tutorial, I will teach you how to make a random player chooser!

by cr_zyaaden

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Hi there! In this tutorial, I will teach you how to make a random player chooser! To start off, we are going to make a variable as so:

local plrs = game.Players

Lets make another variable. This will choose a player.

local num = math.random(1, #plrs:GetChildren())

Now, we can choose our player by using the two variables.

local chosenplr = plrs:GetChildren()[num]

Now you can script what will happen to the chosen player. Heres an example.

local plrs = game.Players

local num = math.random(1, #plrs:GetChildren())

local chosenplr = plrs:GetChildren()[num]

print(chosenplr.Name.." was chosen!")

The output when playing the game with this script will be like this:

(player's name) was chosen!

Thats all. Thanks for viewing this tutorial!

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