Ragdoll Death for R6 and R15

This tutorial teaches you how to make a ragdoll death for R6 and R15 in one script.

by DESTINMillerthebaby2

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How to Make a Ragdoll Death for R6 and R15 in One Script

By DESTINMillerthebaby2


Hello! This short tutorial will teach you how to make a ragdoll death for R15 and R6 in one script. Let's get started!

Where to Put This Script

This wil be a normal script, not a local script. Put this script in StarterCharacterScripts, which is inside of the StarterPlayer.

Declaring the Main Variable

The main variable is what detects if the character died or not, and this script won't work without it:

local humanoid = script.Parent:WaitForChild("Humanoid")

Right under this we're gonna put another line of code:

humanoid.BreakJointsOnDeath = false

This needs to stay false; your character won't ragdoll if you change it.

Checking if the Player Died

This is what starts it all. A simple line of code that detects when the player dies:



##The for and if Loops Inside of the silent function we're gonna put a for and if statement:

for index, joint in pairs(script.Parent:GetDecendants()) do
	if joint:IsA("Motor6D") then


Declaring More Variables

Make sure these variables are put inside of the if statement:

local socket = Instance.new("BallSocketConstraint")
local a1 = Instance.new("Attachment")
local a2 = Instance.new("Attachment")

Parenting the New Instances

The new instances need to be parented to something:

a1.Parent = joint.Part0
a2.Parent = joint.Part1

socket.Parent = joint.Parent

Attaching the Attachments

The variables a1 and a2 are attachments. They need to be attached to something. So here we're attaching them to the ball socket constraint:

socket.Attachment0 = a1
socket.Attachment1 = a2

Positioning the Attachments

The attachments' positions need to be set:

a1.CFrame = joint.C0
a2.CFrame = joint.C1

The CFrame of a part is bascally the position and the rotation. It's used in most cases. The 0 in joint.C0 isn't an O, it's a zero.

The Ragdoll's Limits

This is basically how flexible the ragdoll is:

socket.LimitsEnabled = false -- change this to your liking
socket.TwistLimitsEnabled = true -- change this to your liking

Last Line of Code

You shouldn't get rid of this:


##End Result The end result should look like this:

local humanoid = script.Parent:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
humanoid.BreakJointsOnDeath = false

	for index, joint in pairs(script.Parent:GetDecendants())
		if joint:IsA("Motor6D") then
			local socket = Instance.new("BallSocketConstraint")
			local a1 = Instance.new("Attachment")
			local a2 = Instance.new("Attachment")

			a1.Parent = joint.Part0 -- this is a zero
			a2.Parent = joint.Part1

			socket.Parent = joint.Parent
			socket.Attachment0 = a1 -- Attachment zero
			socket.Attachment1 = a2

			a1.CFrame = joint.C0 -- this is a zero
			a2.CFrame = joint.C1

			socket.LimitsEnabled = false -- change this to your liking
			socket.TwistLimitsEnabled = true -- change this to your liking

If your result doesn't look like this, you should fix it.


That is how to make a ragdoll death for R6 and R15 in one script. It's a very simple code. Thank you for reading this! I hope you learned something and thought this was useful. I will see you again in the next tutorial. Bye!

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